One of my colleagues said that he was most interested in the relationship between strategy and organization (company) in the professional sense, where he gave the primacy to the strategy and saw the organization as "hardware" for the implementation of strategic plans. On the other hand, I was more interested in the connection between business plans and organization. Monitoring the implementation of business plans can be the basis for the correction of plans, organization and strategy. There is, in fact, the use of feedback in management, and the strategy is more related to setting goals.

Organizational restructuring projects can be very different in scope and depth of change.

This article describes an example of a complex restructuring of a large company in Serbia and below is a file with a summary of the organizational restructuring proposal for one medium, but highly competitive, domestic company:

  - Proposal for the concept of the functioning of XYZ  (with XYZ Business Plan for Organizational Change).


Jedan moj kolega je rekao da ga u profesionalnom smislu najviše zanima veza izmedju strategije i organizacije (preduzeća), pri čemu je primat davao strategiji a organizaciju je više posmatrao kao "hardver" za realizaciju strateških planova. Sa druge strane, mene je više interesovala veza izmedju poslovnih planova i organizacije. Praćenje ostvarenja poslovnih planova može biti osnova za korekciju planova, organizacije i strategije. Tu je, zapravo, korišćenje povratne sprege u upravljanju a strategija je više vezana za postavljanje ciljeva.

Projekti organizacionog restrukturiranja mogu biti vrlo različiti po obimu i dubini promena.

U ovom članku je opisan primer kompleksnog restrukturiranja jednog velikog domaćeg preduzeća a u nastavku su priloženi fajlovi sa rezimeom organizacionog restrukturiranja jednog srednjeg ali veoma konkurentnog domaćeg preduzeća:

 - Predlog koncepcije funkcionisanja preduzeća XYZ, i

 - Biznis plan preduzeća XYZ uz Organizacione promene.